In this blog, we will discuss Coupling Materials, coupling blanks, and accessory materials for Class C90, focusing specifically on  API Connection types and CVN specimen orientation, dimensions, and energy. These factors play a critical role in the performance and reliability of the C90 Class, which is critical to ensuring the integrity of Oil and Gas operations. Understanding the importance of API connection type and CVN specimen orientation, size, and energy is critical to selecting the correct materials and components for Class C90 applications.

API connection type is the decisive factor in selecting Class C90 coupling materials, coupling blanks and accessory materials. API connections are standardized specifications for drilling and production equipment, including Casing and Tubing. The type of API connection used can significantly affect the overall performance and integrity of C90-level components. When selecting the appropriate API connection type for Class C90, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the application, including pressure, temperature, and environmental conditions.

Charpy Impact Test Specimen Requirements for Couplings, Coupling Stock

Charpy Impact Test Specimen Requirements for Couplings, Coupling Stock
Coupling Material, Coupling Blanks, and Accessory Material for grade C90
Label 1API Connection Type and CVN Specimen Orientation, Size, and Energy
Special-clearance b
2 3/8L-7-32L-7-32L-7-32————
2 7/8L-10-40L-10-40L-10-40————
3 1/2T-5-11T-5-11T-5-11————
4 1/2T-7-16T-7-16—L-7-32T-7-16T-7-16—
5 1/2———T-5-11T-7-16T-10-20—
6 5/8———T-10-20T-10-20T-10-20—
7 5/8———T-10-20T-10-21T-10-22—
8 5/8———T-10-20T-10-22T-10-23—
9 5/8———T-10-20T-10-22T-10-23—
10 3/4———T-10-20T-10-22—T-10-23
11 3/4————T-10-22—T-10-23
13 3/8————T-10-22—T-10-23
18 5/8———————
NOTE In this table, the specimen orientation (T or L) is followed by the minimum specimen size (10, 7, or 5) which is followed by the minimum absorbed energy requirement (joules) according to the following code; The absorbed energy requirement is adjusted for the test specimen size indicated; Orientation and specimen size is calculated on coupling material/stock wall and not coupling critical thickness.
T is the transverse specimen orientation (see Figure D.11). L is the longitudinal specimen orientation (see Figure D.11). 10 = full-size (i.e. 10 mm Â´ 10 mm)
7 = 3/4-size (i.e. 10 mm *7.5 mm)
5 = 1/2-size (i.e. 10 mm *5 mm)

CVN sample orientation, size and energy are key parameters that must be carefully considered when selecting C90 grade coupling materials, coupling blanks and accessory materials. CVN (Charpy V-notch test) is a method used to determine the impact toughness of materials, especially at low temperatures. Sample orientation, size and energy level are critical in assessing a material’s ability to withstand sudden impacts and loads. For Class C90 applications, it is critical to ensure that the materials and components selected have the appropriate CVN sample orientation, size, and energy to meet operating requirements.

Compatibility with API connection types as well as CVN specimen orientation, size, and energy requirements must be considered when selecting Class C90 coupling materials, coupling blanks, and accessory materials. The coupling material must be able to withstand the specified API connection type and have the necessary impact toughness as determined by CVN testing. Likewise, accessory materials such as Seals, gaskets and Thread protectors must be compatible with the API connection type and have the required impact toughness properties.

The size and energy level of the CVN sample are key considerations for C90 grade applications. The size and energy level of the CVN sample directly affect the material’s ability to resist brittle fracture and sudden impact loading. Therefore, selecting coupling materials, coupling blanks, and accessory materials that are tested and certified to meet specified CVN sample size and energy requirements is critical to ensuring reliability and safety in Class C90 operations.

In summary, API connection type and CVN specimen orientation, size, and energy are key factors to consider when selecting coupling materials, coupling blanks, and accessory materials for Class C90 applications. These parameters directly impact the performance, reliability and integrity of C90-rated components and must be carefully evaluated to ensure the safety and efficiency of oil and gas operations. By prioritizing compatibility with API connection types and adhering to CVN sample orientation, size and energy requirements, operators can make informed decisions when selecting materials and components for Class C90 applications.

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