How to Install Zhongshun Pipe 12-in x 10-Ft Schedule 40 PVC Pipe

Welcome to the world of PVC pipe installation! Installing a 1/2-in x 10-Ft Schedule 40 PVC pipe is a simple and straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. Let’s get started! Step 1: Gather Your Materials
 API 5ct l80 Casing Tubing Range Lengths
 Range 1Range 2Range 3
CASING (PE/T and C/SF)   
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a4.88 to 7.62 1.837.62 to 10.3610.36 to 14.63 1.83
(PE/T and C/SF)   
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a6.10 to 7.32 b8.53 to 9.75 c11.58 to 12.80 d
INTEGRAL TUBING ConnectionS (including IJ/PE   
and IJ/SF)   
Total range length, inclusive Permissible variation, max a6.10 to 7.92 e8.53 to 10.3611.58 to 13.72 0.61
PUP JOINTSLengths: 0.61; 0.91; 1.22; 1.83; 2.44; 3.05 and 3.66 e
 Tolerance: ±0.076
a Length variation applies to rail car shipment to the point of use and does not apply to order items of less than 18,144 kg of pipe.
b By agreement between purchaser and Manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 8.57 m.
c By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 10.76 m.
d By agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, the maximum length may be increased to 17.72 m.0.61 m pup joints may be furnished up to 0.91 m long by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer, and lengths other than tHose listed may be furnished by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer.
Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary materials. You’ll need a 1/2-in x 10-Ft Schedule 40 PVC pipe, PVC primer, PVC cement, a hacksaw, and a measuring tape. Step 2: Measure and Cut the Pipe Measure the area where you’ll be installing the pipe and mark the length you need with a pencil. Then, use a hacksaw to cut the pipe to the desired length. Step 3: Clean the Pipe
Once the pipe is cut, use a rag to clean off any dust or debris from the cut end. Step 4: Apply Primer and Cement Apply a thin layer of PVC primer to the outside of the pipe and the inside of the fitting. Then, apply a thin layer of PVC cement to the same areas. Step 5: Connect the Pipe Oil Tube wholesalePrice high-quality high-grade china,Casing Pipe China high-quality ,Wholesaler,casing pipe chinese high-grade wholesaler,Insert the pipe into the fitting and twist it slightly to ensure a tight Seal. Hold the pipe in place for 30 seconds to allow the cement to set. Step 6: Test the Connection Once the pipe is connected, test the connection by filling the pipe with water and checking for any leaks. And that’s it! You’ve successfully installed your 1/2-in x 10-Ft Schedule 40 PVC pipe. Congratulations!

Benefits of Using Zhongshun Pipe 12-in x 10-Ft Schedule 40 PVC Pipe for Home Improvement Projects

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